I am Afizah, your Shaklee Independent Distributor Ampang, Selangor. Delivery throughout Malaysia

Shaklee ID: 987922 | occlan8858@gmail.com |

012-3426277 | FB: Afizah

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Bulan membuang lemak-lemak degil..(bulan Omega Guard)

Bulan Disember - bulan membuang lemak2 degil.. kenapa?

Kenapa pilih Omega Guard Shaklee?

~ omega guard Shaklee berasal dari ikan laut dalam yg sgt preserved (terjamin dari segi kualiti ikan)
~ asid lemak 3 or fatty acids -3 mengandungi Asid Dokosaheksanoik (DHA) dan Asid Eikosapentanoik (EPA) dan dipercayai mampu mengurangkan keradangan, menggalakkan fungsi otak, sistem saraf dan fungsi mata yang perlu diperolehi melalui pemakanan.
~ Omega Guard Shaklee merupakan makanan tambahan yang mengandungi minyak ikan
~ satu hidangan Omega Guard menyediakan 1000mg asid lemak omega 3 termasuk DHA dan EPA!
~ tidak seperti weight loss supplements yg lain, Omega Guard yg mengandungi minyak ikan mampu mempengaruhi keseluruhan kesihatan kita selain menurunkan berat badan!
~ taking Omega Guard every day can help your brain, heart, and joints health.
No weight loss supplement on the market can make these claims!!!

~afizah 012-3426277~

Peluang menjana pendapatan bersama Shaklee

Dah mula kira2 bajet tahun depan?

Tahun depa byk benda dah nk mula dan naikkk..
-azam baru
-bajet baru (kena ambik kira harga brg2 akan naik tahun depan)

Byk pengaliran keluar berbanding tunai masuk. Heee. Dah tu x kan nk harap gaji semata2 ye dak? Gst tahun depan lagi byk dari increment gaji kita setahun. Mcm mana nak buat tu klau xde sumber lain selain gaji bulanan semata2.

Bg contohla ye. Senang nk nampak. Katalah ye perbelanjaan monthly brg dapur+brg2 lain minimum rm500 tiap2 bulan x gst 6%. So total setahun gst=rm360

Kira plak increment..katala basic salary rm5000 with minimum increment yearly 6%. So increment=rm300

Waah byr gst lagi byk dari increment tahunan? Tu baru kira minimum je ye.

X nak ke klua dari cycle ni? Ada extra income lebih utk tampung mana yg x cukup. Klau rajin dan konsisten..bukan takat jadi extra income je,malah boleh jadi lebih dari gaji monthly.

Nak tau caranya? Senang je..sediakan modal rm75 je (tu pun utk register membership & starter kit) dan hati yg kental. Kemudian kita bincang..

Ikhtiar tanpa jemu

Rizqi Liberation Team
~afizah 012-3426277~

Kaitan jari kebas dengan Omega Guard dan Ostematrix

Alhamdulillah..syukur sgt bila customer bg feedback tgn dah xde kebas2 dan lenguh2 lagi. ni kebas2 gara2 carpel tunnel syndrome. dulu sy pnh share pasal penyakit ni yg selalu menyerang tiba2 dan especially ibu2 yg baru lepas bersalin.

sy suggestkan customer ambik omega dulu utk melancarkan peredaran darah sementara nk tunggu ostematrix nya sampai. kena post jauh nun. ostematrix plak berfungsi utk membekalkan kalsium bg penjagaan tulang dan mengelakkan pereputan tulang.Alhamdulillah..customer bg feedback bgn tdo tgn dah x kebas lagi. cuma lenguh2 sikit. so my advise teruskan ambik omega guard dan ostematrix.

Mmg Omega Guard ni bagus sgt fungsinya. sbb tu kena beli dan cuba..

~afizah 012-3426277~

Breakfast made easy with Mealshakes

Easy peasy breakfast. 1 scoop for my son with his milk. 1 scoop for my husband with his coffee. And for me.. milo with mealshakes. Vanilla flavor. 1 meal for all. Fast, energize and full of vitamin to kick start the day.

~afizah 012-3426277~

Omega Guard fun facts..

Shaklee Omega Guard nutritional facts..

Each capsule provides:
~ 330mg total omega 3-fatty acids
~ 180mg EPA (eicosapentaenoic)
~ 120mg DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)

3 capsules everyday may reduce the risk if coronary heart disease! Research shows that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids promote cardiovascular health and help retain normal blood pressure.

In addition, it support healthy brain,vision & joint function. It is the WORLD's FINEST FISH OIL!

Dont u want finest in ur everyday life? Its never too late to start now!

Your Shaklee Independent Distributor
~afizah 012-3426277~

Financial freedom..your choice?

Financial freedom? What does it mean to u?

Everyone has their own definition, me included. I've started my own journey towards it and of course with Shaklee. My first step was to cancel all my credit cards. Yes i am credit cardless. I salute people who dont use credit card ever.

How i cope living without it? Im doing great. Leceh nak buat online transaction? X pun..since now ada debit card. Of course sebelum nak cancel mcm2 yg faktor diambil kira. Especially bila ada "what if...". But i conquered my "what if...". I just go for it. Afraid not enough cash? Definitely not since i have my Shaklee business. Pay out middle of the month sape x nak kan?

In this business we ourself set our own target and how much we want to earn. Seems impossible? NO! Nothing is impossible. I've earned it and im glad that i joined Shaklee. Not only im improving my cash management but i earn much more than just a cash.

Dare to change? Join us now..Lets strive for financial freedom. Lets not pay to unnecessary interest and tax. That can be used better for your child future.

Rizqi Liberation Team-journey to financial freedom
~afizah 012-3426277~